Wilson Harris Website     Upload     Legacy Upload

This page lets you securely upload a file for your accountant to access. This is more secure than emailing a file. You can get this done quickly in several easy steps below. Files uploaded here will instantly be available to our Accountants and they will receive a notification that you uploaded the file. You can only upload files, you cannot download files through this system. After uploading a file you cannot remove it, but you can contact your Accountant and ask them to delete it. Only the following file types are allowed: .txt, .pdf, .zip, .7z, .docx, .xlsx, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .qbw, .qby, .qba, .qbb, .qbm, .qbr, .csv, .xlsm.

Please be sure you select your accountant, as they will receive an email with a notification that you have uploaded files. If you pick the wrong accountant then your accountant won't get the email, which will delay processing. If you aren't sure who your accountant is, please call us to check.

This is the legacy upload form. It is less dynamic than the other form, however it may work better for older browsers.

Step 1: Select your accountant:

Step 2: Enter your name:
First Name:
Last Name:

Step 3: If you want to include a message with your files, you can type it here:

Step 4: Provide your contact information, these are both optional.
Your Phone Number:
Your E-Mail Address:

Step 5: Drag and Drop any files or folders you want to upload.

Step 6: Click 'Upload Files'. This may take a few minutes, depending on your internet speed.

If your browser allows you to use it, the newer method of upload files is easier and lets you upload a whole folder at once.

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